Elderly man on couch leaning over in pain holding his back

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Men

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a common condition that affects both men and women. In men, it is characterized by problems with the muscles and connective tissue in the pelvic area, which can lead to a variety of symptoms and complications.

What is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

The pelvic floor muscles are located at the base of the pelvis, and they support the organs in the pelvic area, including the bladder, prostate, and rectum. When these muscles are weak or damaged, it can lead to a variety of symptoms, including urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and pain in the pelvic area.

Some of the most common symptoms that men experience include:

  • Difficulty controlling the urge to urinate or defecate
  • Incontinence (leakage of urine or feces)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Pain in the lower back, hips, or pelvis
  • Constipation
  • Painful intercourse

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Causes

There are several possible causes of pelvic floor dysfunction in men. Some of the most common include:

  • Prostate surgery: Surgery to remove the prostate (prostatectomy) can damage the muscles and nerves that control the bladder and rectum, leading to pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • Injuries to the pelvic area: Trauma to the pelvis, such as a fall or car accident, can cause damage to the muscles and connective tissue in the pelvic area.
  • Chronic constipation: Straining to have bowel movements can put a lot of pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, leading to weakness and dysfunction over time.
  • Obesity: Being overweight can put extra pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, leading to weakness and dysfunction.
  • Aging: As men get older, the muscles and ligaments in the pelvic region can weaken, making it more difficult to control the bladder and bowel.

Treatment of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

The good news is that PFD is treatable and generally consists of a combination of physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.

Physical therapy, specifically pelvic floor physical therapy, is an effective treatment option for men with PFD. A pelvic floor physical therapist can help men to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles, improve their ability to control the bladder and bowel, and reduce their symptoms. Many men also find that daily pelvic exercises, including Kegel and vacuum pump exercises, are also helpful.

Medication can help control symptoms such as incontinence and pain, while lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight and eating a high-fiber diet to prevent constipation, can also be helpful. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or reconstruct the pelvic floor muscles.

If you feel you might be struggling with pelvic floor dysfunction, be sure to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider to develop a treatment plan. To learn more about Vaxaid’s vacuum pump options for erectile dysfunction, visit our shop or our FAQ section.

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